ISESO 2018
Important Dates


The following table lists the conference program. A pdf version of the program is also available: iseso_program2018.pdf.

Day 110th of October, 2018
09:30Registration & welcome coffee
10:15Opening (Thomas Leibfried)
10:30Keynote: (Chair: Thomas Leibfried)
 Modelling societal and governance drivers within an techno-economic energy systems context
 Professor Neil Strachan, Director of the University College London UCL Energy Institute
1st Session:Planning and operation of distribution grids (Chair: Michael Suriyah)
11:30Cost optimal design of ZENs energy system
 Dimitri Pinel, NTNU Trondheim
12:00Dimensioning of battery storage as temporary equipment during grid reinforcement caused by electric vehicles
 Lukas Held, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IEH)
12:30Lunch break & networking
2nd Session:Demand response (Chair: Armin Ardone)
13:30A discussion of mixed integer linear programming models of thermostatic loads in demand response
 Vahid Rasouli, INESC Coimbra
14:00Modelling interactions between market power and demand response
  Mel Devine, University College Dublin
14:30Weighted fair queuing as a scheduling algorithm for deferrable loads in smart grids improving distress distibution over a greedy strategy
 Tuncer Haslak, FAU Erlangen
15:00Coffee break
3rd Session:Optimal power flow 1 (Chair: Vincent Heuveline)
15:30Policy optimization for optimal power flow under uncertainty
 Tillmann Mühlpfordt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IAI)
16:00 Distributed optimal power flow – feasibility vs. optimality
 Alexander Engelmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IAI)
16:30ADMM based decoupling techniques for unit commitment problems considering grid restrictions
 Viktor Slednev, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IIP)
17:00End of the first conference day
17:15Guided city tour
19:00Dinner & networking
Day 211th of October, 2018
4th Session:Energy system integration (Chair: Valentin Bertsch)
08:30A green copper concept: on the design of a full-renewable energy supply for its production
 Simón Moreno Leiva, Stuttgart University
09:00Effects of power changes on the gas network / Optimal control of coupled power and gas networks
 Eike Fokken, Mannheim University
09:30Coffee break
10:00Keynote: (Chair: Valentin Bertsch)
 Modelling challenges for energy systems integration – The good, the bad and the ugly
 Mark O’Malley, Chief Scientist, Energy Systems Integration and Senior Research Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA
5th Session:Optimal power flow 2 (AC/DC) (Chair: Thomas Leibfried)
11:00Security analysis for embedded HVDC in transmission grids
 Marco Giuntoli, ABB Ladenburg
11:30Decentralized optimal power flow in hybrid AC-DC grids
 Nico Meyer-Hübner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IEH)
12:00Lunch break & networking
13:00Panel discussion (Chair: Wolf Fichtner, Valentin Bertsch)
 Bridging the gap between mathematical modelling and policy support
 Sonja Babrowski (MVV Trading GmbH), Jörg Jasper (EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG), Mark O’Malley (NREL), Neil Strachan (University College London), Ulrich Janischka (TransnetBW GmbH)
14:00Coffee break
6th Session:Transmission and generation expansion (Chair: Wolf Fichtner)
14:30The cost-benefit of transmission expansion in a sector-coupled, highly-renewable European energy scenario
 Tom Brown, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IAI)
15:00 The performance of planning reserve constraints to deal with demand uncertainty in long-term planning models
 Tim Mertens, KU Leuven
15:30Generation and transmission expansion in Uganda: The cost of minimising sub-national energy inequalities
 Peter Wilson, University of Bath
16:00Summary & closing (Wolf Fichtner)

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